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Utsource Holding Company Limited
Utsource Holding Company Limited 58474938-000-06-24-A
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Building a Simple Digital Clock Using the RT5038BGSP - Utsource Holding Company Limited

Building a Simple Digital Clock Using the RT5038BGSP


In this DIY project, we will use the RT5038BGSP, a real-time clock (RTC) IC, to build a simple digital clock. The clock will display the current time on a 7-segment LED display. The RT5038BGSP is a powerful and accurate IC for timekeeping, offering low power consumption and excellent precision. This project will give you a practical hands-on experience with RTCs and display components without needing to write any code or deal with complex calculations. Let’s dive into how you can create your own digital clock using this IC.


Components Needed:

● RT5038BGSP RTC IC – Real-time clock module

● 7-segment displays (4 digits) – To display the time

● 74LS595 Shift Registers – To drive the 7-segment displays

● Resistors – Various values, including a 220Ω for limiting current to the 7-segment LEDs

● Capacitors – 10µF for smoothing the power supply

● Push-button switches – For setting the time (optional)

● Breadboard – For assembling the circuit

● Jumper wires – For connecting components

● 5V DC Power Supply – To power the clock

● 3V Coin Cell Battery – To keep the time running when powered off


Overview of the RT5038BGSP

The RT5038BGSP is a low-power real-time clock with an integrated oscillator, offering precise timekeeping capabilities. It communicates with external devices via an I2C interface, making it perfect for projects that require accurate time and low power consumption. The RT5038BGSP can keep track of seconds, minutes, hours, and even has an alarm function and battery backup. For this project, we’ll be using the RT5038BGSP to continuously keep track of the current time.

For simplicity, this project will not require complex programming or a microcontroller. Instead, we’ll use basic electronic components like shift registers and LEDs to display the time in hours and minutes. The RT5038BGSP will take care of the timekeeping, while we focus on how to show it on a display.


Circuit Design and Construction

Step 1: Wiring Up the RT5038BGSP

To get started, insert the RT5038BGSP onto the breadboard and wire it up to the power supply. The chip will need a 3V coin cell battery to keep the time running when the circuit is powered off. Insert the battery into the designated battery holder and connect the VCC pin to the positive terminal and the GND pin to the negative terminal.

Now, let’s connect the RT5038BGSP to the power rails. Connect the VDD pin to the 5V power rail and the GND pin to the ground rail. This will power the RTC when the main circuit is active.


Step 2: Setting Up the I2C Communication

The RT5038BGSP communicates using the I2C protocol, so we will need to connect the SCL (Clock) and SDA (Data) pins to the corresponding I2C pins of the microcontroller or shift register. In this case, we will be using shift registers to handle the 7-segment display, but the clock will still be interfaced using I2C.

Connect SDA and SCL pins from the RT5038BGSP to the I2C pins of a shift register (like the 74LS595), which will help convert the I2C data into a format suitable for driving the 7-segment display. The shift register will act as a bridge between the RTC and the displays, allowing us to display the current time.


Step 3: Wiring the Shift Register to Drive the Display

Next, you’ll need to wire the 74LS595 shift register to control the 7-segment displays. For simplicity, let’s use a 4-digit display, representing the hours and minutes (HH:MM format).

Each 7-segment display is made up of 7 LEDs arranged in the shape of the number "8." Each segment can be individually controlled to create different digits. The 74LS595 shift register has an 8-bit output, which is perfect for controlling one digit at a time on a 7-segment display.

● Shift Register Pinout:

—  Q0 to Q7: These pins correspond to the 7 segments of a 7-segment display. Each pin will be connected to the individual segments of the display.

—  SER (Serial Input): This is where data (digit information) will be sent from the RTC.

—  RCLK (Latch Pin): This pin controls when data is latched into the shift register.

—  SRCLK (Clock Pin): The clock signal that synchronizes the shifting of data.

You will connect the Q0 to Q7 pins of the shift register to the segments of the 7-segment display. Ensure that each segment of the 7-segment display is properly connected to a resistor (220Ω) to limit the current flowing through the LEDs and prevent damage.


Step 4: Connecting the 7-Segment Display

Now, wire the four 7-segment displays to the shift register. Each digit will be controlled by a separate shift register, with the data being sent to each display sequentially. Since we have 4 digits, we will need 4 shift registers. You can use multiple shift registers and connect their SER pin to the previous shift register’s Q7 pin, chaining them together to control each of the 4 digits.

Here’s how to wire the 7-segment displays to the shift registers:

1. Connect the A-G pins of the display (corresponding to segments a-g) to the Q0-Q7 pins of the shift register.

2. Connect the COMMON PIN of the 7-segment display to the GND rail.


Step 5: Powering the Circuit

After wiring the RT5038BGSP and the shift registers to the 7-segment displays, connect the 5V DC power supply to the VCC pin of the RT5038BGSP and shift registers. This will provide the necessary power for the clock and displays.


Step 6: Setting the Time (Optional)

To set the time manually, you can use push-button switches. For example, one button can increment the hours, another for minutes, and a third for resetting the time.

● Incrementing Hours: Connect one switch to a microcontroller pin (if used) or directly to the RT5038BGSP to trigger an increment in hours.

● Incrementing Minutes: Similarly, a second button will trigger an increment in minutes.

This allows you to adjust the time when needed.


Step 7: Testing the Clock

Now, it’s time to test the clock! Once everything is connected, power up the circuit and ensure the RT5038BGSP is running. The time should appear on the 7-segment displays in HH:MM format, automatically updating every second.

● If you’ve set up buttons for time adjustment, try pressing them to increment hours and minutes, and ensure the display reflects these changes.



If the clock is not working as expected, here are a few things to check:

1. Ensure that all power connections are correct, especially the VCC and GND rails.

2. Double-check the I2C connections from the RT5038BGSP to the shift registers.

3. Verify that the SDA and SCL lines are connected properly and that the I2C communication is functioning correctly.

4. If the 7-segment displays are not showing digits, check that the shift register is receiving data and that the segments are wired correctly.



This DIY project demonstrates how to use the RT5038BGSP to create a simple and effective digital clock with 7-segment displays. By utilizing a combination of the RTC for timekeeping and shift registers to drive the displays, we can build a functional clock without writing any code or using complex microcontrollers.

The project is ideal for beginners who want to get hands-on with RTCs, I2C communication, and 7-segment displays. It also provides a solid foundation for learning about timekeeping ICs and shift registers, which are useful in many electronics projects. Whether you’re looking to create a standalone clock or integrate it into a more complex system, this project will help you build practical skills for your future electronics endeavors.


Utsource Holding Company Limited 58474938-000-06-24-A
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