Initially, this organization was led by Dr.Krishnan, and its activities centered on Dharma Classes, Publishing of Dharma Books, free tuition for students, and other charitable and philanthropic activities.
The organization's mission is to inculcate noble values in the community. Thuravi sir (Kumaravelu Palanisamy) is no stranger to this organization, being the backbone of its spiritual discourses.
Currently, our organization is led by Mr. Manogaran Ramachandram and during his tenure, has expanded the scope of the organization’s activities to include the below initiative:
They are:
- Dharma Class for Adult (online)
- Dharma Class for Children (online)
- Dharma Class for Prisoners
- Publishing of Dharma Books
- Publishing of Dharma eBooks
- Developing Dharma Website
- Full-Moon Charity
- Children Coloring Activity