*Kills 99.9% Bacteria and Viruses
*With KKM & SINGAPORE NEA approved Antimicrobial Active
*Uses USA Steppan FDA registered (ADBAC/ADEBAC BLENDS)
* Economical and Effective
*Food Grade
Hexa Thermal fog and mist Disinfectant Fluid is a Multipurpose Disinfectant incorporated with the Second generation Steppan BTC Series of Alkyl Dimethyl Benzyl/Ethyl Benzyl Ammonium Chloride which has been proven and tested to be effective of up to 99.9% corona viruses and germs.
Fill product directly into hand pump, mist blower or fogging machine directly. For Fogging rooms and offices, close all windows, doors and switch on the air conditioner running on fan mode. Evacuate personnel and start fogging. After fogging, let the fog to float in the atmosphere for at least 10-15 minutes before opening up windows and doors to allow fresh air in for and, switch air conditioner back to cool mode before returning.
Keep out of Reach of Children