420 mm. sealing bar.
10 m³/h Busch vacuum pump.
Vacuum controlled by sensor.
- Powered by Busch.
- Vacuum controlled by sensor.
- Vacuum PLUS.
- Digital keyboard.
- Control panel equipped with display indicating the exact vacuum percentage.
- "Pause" button to marinate food.
- Safe liquid packing thanks to sensor control.
- Double seal.
- Cordless sealing bar.
- Bag-sealing programme.
- Pulse-controlled decompression.
- Vac-Norm ready with Automatic decompression.
- Stainless steel body and chamber. Deep-drawn chamber.
- Damped transparent lid of highly durable polycarbonate.
- Dry-oil programme for drying the pump.
- Working hours counter for oil changes.
- Safety system with protection against vacuum failure.