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Benzo Furniture Gallery
Benzo Furniture Gallery 201403303778 (002386311-W)
Monday - Sunday 10:00 AM - 7:00 PM
Open Closed
Onesync Platinum SSM

Penang Butterworth

Benzo Furniture Gallery - Benzo Furniture Gallery, based in Penang, Malaysia, distributes Lorenzo furniture, offering elegant Italian-style furnishings at affordable prices. Explore our curated selection to find the perfect blend of luxury and budget-friendly options for any space.

Benzo Furniture Gallery
Benzo Furniture Gallery 201403303778 (002386311-W)
Contact Information
Main Office

Benzo Furniture Gallery 201403303778 (002386311-W)
4744, 4745 & 4746, Jalan Bagan Luar, 12000 Butterworth, Pulau Pinang, Malaysia.



Benzo Furniture Gallery

Benzo Furniture Gallery

LORENZO is thrilled and honored to clinch a Bronze Award at the esteemed Putra Aria Brand Awards under the Home Improvement Products & Store in recognition of our outstanding contribution to the furniture industry. This award is measured by consumer preference growth, and a recognition of brands’ excellence within the marketing and advertising landscape.

A big thank you to all of our valued customers for your support and trust in our Brand. This recognition holds special significance as we are coming to celebrate our 41st Anniversary. It not only validates our effort but also fuels our motivation to push boundaries and continue to commit our best to provide exceptional products and service to our customers. We are sincerely grateful to our customers, business partners, and the entire community for being a vital part of our remarkable journey.

We are proud to announce that Lorenzo has been certified exclusively as the only importer of Italian Genuine Bovine Hides in Asia. The Italian Leather Group is specialized in the finishing of bovine hides, with a passion for the continuous search for new solutions for innovative colors, prints, and environmental performance. The certification ensures that the leather meets the customer's requirements and satisfaction. Visit us today to experience the innovative craftsmanship of fully imported Italian leather.

LORENZO berbesar hati dan bangga kerana berjaya merangkul Anugerah Gangsa di Putra Aria Brand Awards yang berprestij di bawah kategori Produk & Kedai Pembaikan Rumah sebagai pengiktirafan terhadap sumbangan cemerlang kami dalam industri perabot. Anugerah ini diukur berdasarkan peningkatan keutamaan pengguna, dan merupakan pengiktirafan terhadap kecemerlangan jenama dalam landskap pemasaran dan pengiklanan.

Terima kasih yang tidak terhingga kepada semua pelanggan kami yang dihargai atas sokongan dan kepercayaan anda terhadap Jenama kami. Pengiktirafan ini sangat bermakna kerana kami sedang menyambut ulang tahun kami yang ke-41. Ini bukan sahaja mengesahkan usaha kami tetapi juga mendorong motivasi kami untuk terus meneroka batasan dan komited untuk memberikan produk serta perkhidmatan terbaik kepada pelanggan kami. Kami amat bersyukur kepada para pelanggan, rakan perniagaan, dan seluruh komuniti kerana menjadi sebahagian penting dalam perjalanan luar biasa kami.

Kami dengan bangga mengumumkan bahawa Lorenzo telah disahkan secara eksklusif sebagai satu-satunya pengimport Kulit Bovine Asli Itali di Asia. Kumpulan Kulit Itali mengkhusus dalam penyempurnaan kulit bovine, dengan semangat untuk terus mencari penyelesaian baru bagi warna, cetakan, dan prestasi alam sekitar yang inovatif. Pensijilan ini memastikan bahawa kulit memenuhi kehendak dan kepuasan pelanggan. Lawati kami hari ini untuk merasai keahlian inovatif kulit Itali yang diimport sepenuhnya.

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Main Office

Benzo Furniture Gallery 201403303778 (002386311-W)
4744, 4745 & 4746, Jalan Bagan Luar, 12000 Butterworth, Pulau Pinang, Malaysia.



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