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Cool Auto Aircond Sdn. Bhd.
Cool Auto Aircond Sdn. Bhd. 201501004102 (1129434-T)
Onesync AI SSM


õ%READY STOCK õ%STRAIGHT PIPE 318 X 1000 'F' NN  HS-3396.M

Product Viewed 23
Liquid Tube/Liquid Pipe in Car Air Conditioning (A/C) System
Role and Functions
  1. Refrigerant Transport: The liquid tube, also known as the liquid line, carries high-pressure liquid refrigerant from the condenser to the expansion valve or orifice tube. It is essential for moving the refrigerant through the A/C system.
  2. Heat Dissipation: As the refrigerant flows through the liquid tube, it releases heat absorbed in the condenser, allowing it to cool down before it reaches the expansion valve.
  3. Pressure Regulation: The liquid tube helps maintain the proper pressure levels within the A/C system, ensuring efficient refrigerant flow and optimal system performance.
Maintenance Tips
  1. Regular Inspections: Periodically inspect the liquid tube for signs of wear, damage, or leaks. Look for cracks, corrosion, or any unusual signs that might indicate a problem.
  2. Cleanliness: Keep the liquid tube and surrounding components clean to prevent dirt and debris from causing damage or obstructing the refrigerant flow.
  3. Proper Fitting: Ensure that the liquid tube is properly connected and fitted to the condenser and expansion valve or orifice tube. Loose or improperly connected tubes can lead to leaks and reduced efficiency.
  4. Check for Leaks: Use a UV dye or electronic leak detector to check for refrigerant leaks in the liquid tube. If a leak is detected, have it repaired immediately to prevent loss of refrigerant and damage to the A/C system.
  5. Monitor Performance: Pay attention to the performance of the A/C system. If you notice reduced cooling efficiency, strange noises, or unusual odors, inspect the liquid tube as part of your troubleshooting process.
  6. Professional Maintenance: Schedule regular maintenance with a qualified technician to inspect and service the entire A/C system, including the liquid tube. Professional maintenance ensures that any issues are detected and addressed early.
Maintenance Steps (Summary)
  1. Visual Inspection: Regularly inspect the liquid tube for visible damage, wear, or leaks. Look for cracks, corrosion, and signs of refrigerant leakage.
  2. Clean Surrounding Area: Keep the area around the liquid tube clean and free from debris to prevent contamination and damage.
  3. Secure Connections: Ensure that all connections are tight and secure. Check the fittings at both the condenser and expansion valve or orifice tube ends.
  4. Leak Detection: Use a UV dye or electronic leak detector to check for refrigerant leaks. Address any leaks promptly by repairing or replacing the liquid tube.
  5. Monitor A/C Performance: Regularly monitor the A/C system's performance. Reduced cooling efficiency or unusual noises may indicate a problem with the liquid tube or other components.
  6. Professional Check-ups: Have the A/C system professionally inspected and serviced at recommended intervals. A qualified technician can identify and fix issues that may not be visible during a visual inspection.
Proper maintenance of the liquid tube in the car A/C system ensures efficient refrigerant flow and overall system performance, contributing to a comfortable and cool cabin environment.
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