Frusso aids in detoxification and the relief of constipation by promoting regular bowel movements. Fibers help to remove toxins and waste products from the body.
Promote Intestinal Movement
Enhancing gastrointestinal motility. It promotes the efficient passage of food through the digestive system.
Improve Digestive System
Providing essential dietary fibers. Fibers aid in breaking down food, absorbing water, and facilitating waste movement through the intestines.
Slimming & Eliminate Big Tummy
Increasing the feeling of fullness, avoid the tendency of overeating, and helps to eliminate bloating, which can promote a slender appearance.
Control Weight & Increase Satiety
Promoting a sense of satiety, which can help control portion sizes and support overall weight management.
Improve Skin Problems
The detoxification and improved digestive system facilitated by Frusso's fibers can have a positive impact on skin health. By removing toxins from the body and improving nutrient absorption, it contribute to better skin conditions.
Suggested consume before bed and can go to the toilet for defecation in the next morning. Add a sachet of Frusso to 150ml of room temperature water, mix well before drinking
Tea or Coffee, to avoid interference of the absorption and digestion of Frusso, can take after 2-hours gap
Storage Tips
Store in cool and dry places, avoid direct sunlight.
No refrigeration required
1 - 2 years time
Low calorie and consist of over 90% water-soluble dietary fibre helps relieve constipation
Psyllium Husk
Consist over 80% of water-soluble fibre beneficial to the growth of intestinal probiotics
A natural oligosaccharides with consist of water-soluble fibre help in the reproduction of good bacteria in intestine
Palm Fiber
Consist of water-insoluble fibre which have adhesive function to accumulate cholesterol, bile salts, fats, carbohydrates and toxins to be excreted out of the body
Kindly refer to the E-flyer for more detailed ingredient information
Supplement Facts
More Enquiry
Please contact our Nutritionist through +65 9890 2336 or press the WhatsApp button to reach us.