First Care Pest Control Services - At First Care Pest Control Services, we understand the disruptive and potentially damaging impact that pests can have on homes and businesses. Our comprehensive pest control solutions are tailored to address a range of infestations, ensuring your peace of mind.
Welcome to First Care Pest Control Services, your trusted partner in maintaining a pest-free environment. With our headquarter situated in Cheras, Selangor, Malaysia, we stand as a beacon of excellence in the pest control industry. Our commitment to delivering top-tier services is underpinned by our extensive expertise and unwavering dedication to safeguarding your spaces from the perils of pests.
With over 13 years of experience in the industry, First Care Pest Control Services has honed its expertise in providing effective and reliable solutions to keep your spaces pest-free. We understand the disruptive and potentially damaging impact that pests can have on homes and businesses. Our comprehensive pest control solutions are tailored to address a range of infestations, ensuring your peace of mind. Our specialized services include cutting-edge termite treatments designed to effectively combat these resilient intruders. Whether through advanced termite baiting systems or other innovative methods, we have the tools and knowledge to safeguard your property. Additionally, our disinfectant services provide an extra layer of protection by thoroughly sanitizing and disinfecting spaces, contributing to a healthier and safer living or working environment. As a customer-centered company, we take pride in delivering prompt, efficient, and environmentally responsible solutions, making First Care Pest Control Services the partner of choice in the battle against pests.
Main Office
First Care Pest Control Services 201603093316 (002525601-U)
29-G, Jalan Orkid 4, Taman Orkid, 43200 Cheras, Selangor, Malaysia.