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Primero Global Marketing Sdn Bhd
Primero Global Marketing Sdn Bhd 202201020000 (1465697-X)
Monday - Friday 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
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Sintered stones, or ultra-compact stones, is a matrix of minerals heated (sintered) to form a solid impenetrable mass that results in a surface that cannot be etched, scratched, burned, or stained.

What is a Sintered Stone?

Haven’t heard of it? No worries, Here I will assuage your guilt for being uninformed by giving you a quick breakdown and the reasons you should be using sintered stone

Before engineering stone was invented, we used natural stone such as granite and marble for countertop, vanities, bar counters and other surfaces throughout residents and commercial interiors.

Sintered stone represents what is truly next in engineering surfacing. This product differentiates their products from natural stone or quartz. Whether you are a homeowner renovating a kitchen or backyard, or a commercial architect designing a hospital, stadium or renovating a lobby or bathroom, you should be using sintered stone. It makes homes, people and the planet healthier.

Why I say so, as sintered stone will not decolourise (like quartz), cannot be scratched (like quartz) and will not react to heat (like quartz). The minds behind the creation of quartz are the ones that proactively invented sintered stone to replace quartz, and the time is now. Widely accepted as the “what’s next” in surfacing,

But is sintered stone the best choice?

However, Sintered Stone has its disadvantages, It’s hard to fabricate. Hence it required a special cutter and knowledge to do so.

The main concern of using sintered stone is that it is crackable, if hurt by a heavy item fall from a 4 feet height, Unlike quartz stone or solid surface, they just dented.

Sintered stone started out true to what it wanted to be. The next generation of surfacing, outperforming all those that come before it. Incorporating superior performance, spanning countertop thickness to exterior cladding design, beautiful colors, through body patterns, and feel me textures.

The last reason that you should be using sintered stone is because you are a SMART PERSON.  You like to try new things and you believe that innovation is what leads to success and progress.  If you don’t, you should start researching quartz.

Color Chart
Wide range of colors & shades options.
Extra Large Sizes
Sintered produces in various extra-large size slabs (3200x1600mm)
Zero Maintenance
Does not need to be polish or coated.
Resistant to scratching and abrasion due to hardness of the surface.
Resistant to UV Rays
It does not deteriorate due to exposure to the sun or extreme temperature (heat-resistance up to 300°C.)
High Resistant
Resistant to high pressure & weight loads.
Waterproof and liquid resistant with an absorption level near zero.
Suitable for High Traffic
Due to hardness of the surface.
Does not release harmful substances completely suitable for contact with food.
Resistant to High Temperature
Does not burn in contact with fire or let off smoke or toxic substances (Ideal for outdoor use and do not fade or yellow like other materials.
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Primero Global Marketing Sdn Bhd 202201020000 (1465697-X)
1-03, I Resident, Persiaran Surian, Kota Damansara, 47810 Petaling Jaya, Selangor, Malaysia.



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