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IKU Feedmill Sdn Bhd
IKU Feedmill Sdn Bhd 201301003669 (1033510-A)
Monday - Saturday 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Sunday Closed
We′re closed on Public Holiday
Open Closed


Product info

Favour: Seafood Flavour

Packing: 400g x 55pkt 
             800g x 30pkt 

Cat Food/ Makanan Kucing

I-Recipe Dry Cat Food is complete and balanced nutrition formulated for all adult cats above 1 year old. Regardless of breed, to meet their daily nutritional requirements.
I-Recipe Makanan Kucing Kering adalah nutrisi lengkap dan seimbang yang diformulasikan untuk semua jenis kucing dewasa berumur 1 tahun ke atas untuk memenuhi keperluan harian mereka.

Ingredients/ Bahan-bahan

Corn, Soybean Meal, Ovine Bovine Meat Bone Meal, I.F Wheat Flour, RBD Palm Olein, Fish Oil, Antioxidant (BHT), Taurine, Vitamin (A, B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B12, C, D3, E, K3, Biotin, Folic Acid), Minerals (Iron, Manganese, Zinc, Copper, Choline Chloride, Selenium, Iodine) ,Fish Flavour

Jagung, Kacang Soya, Daging dan Tulang (Lembu & Kambing),Tepung Gandum, Minyak Olein Sawit, Minyak Ikan, Antioksidan (BHT), Taurina, Vitamin (A, B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B12, C, D3, E, K3, Biotin, Asid Folik), Mineral (Zat Besi, Mangan, Zink, Tembaga, Kolin Klorida, Selenium, Iodin),Perisa Ikan

Product Particularity/ Khas Produk
  • ~ To help maintain the health of a cat's eyes /Membantu mengekalkan kesihatan mata kucing
  • ~ To help maintain a healthy digestive system for cats /Membantu mengekalkan sistem penghadaman yang sihat untuk kucing
  • ~ To help promote healthy skin and shinier fur/ Membantu memperbaiki kesihatan kulit dan menjadikan bulu lebih bersinar
  • ~ To help improve the health of a cat’s bones and teeth /Membantu meningkatkan kesihatan tulang dan gigi
Nutrition/Analisis Nutrisi
  • Crude Protein/Protein Kasar ≥ 26%
  • Crude Fat/ Lemak Kasar ≥  8%
  • Crude Fiber / Serat Kasar ≤ 5%
  • Moisture/ Lembapan ≤ 10%
Daily Schedule / Hidangan Sehari: 2-3
Weight/ Berat Daily Feeding / Setiap Hidangan
1-2 kg 30-50
2-3 kg 50-70
3-4 kg 70-100
4-5 kg 100-120
According to your pet’s breed, weight, activity level to adjust feeding amount. 

Mengikut baka, berat dan aktiviti kucing diubah jumlah hidangan. 

Replacing / cara bertukar

To replace previous food 
with I-RECIPE, Please refer to the chart above. Always keep water clean.

Untuk mengantikkan makan lama dengan I-RECIPE Choice. Sila rujukan carta di atas. Pastikan air besih selalu. 

For Pet Only/ Makanan Haiwan Sahaja

After opening, store in a cool, dry place away sunlight. Closed in container tightly or re-sealed in the bag.

Selepas buka, simpan di tempat dingin, kering dan jauhi matahari. Tertutup dalam bekas dengan ketat atau dimeterai semula dalam bag. 

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Main Office

IKU Feedmill Sdn Bhd 201301003669 (1033510-A)
2, Persiaran Selat Selatan, Off Jalan Banting Pandamaran, 42000 Port Klang, Selangor, Malaysia.



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