PROGAUGE ENTERPRISE - PROGAUGE ENTERPRISE is a professional measuring equipment solution provider in Malaysia. Our premise is based in Seremban, Negeri Sembilan.
PROGAUGE ENTERPRISE is a experience measuring equipment solution provider company in Malaysia. Our premise is based in Seremban, Negeri Sembilan, Malaysia. Our experiences span more than 10 years in the field of calibration and restoration services to the equipment.
In PROGAUGE ENTERPRISE, our main objective is to establish a platform of knowledge in educating and at the same time providing services. As we growth year by year we have gathered wide experiences in the field of Technical in Equipment Calibration and Services. We have work across every sector in Malaysia industries such as Oil and Gas, Automotive products, Medical Devices, Consumer products and Electronics.
''CAN DO!'' is our mindset in regardless of simple to difficult job. We have “LEAN” mindset in services, in everything we do at our daily job, we think of improvement step by step. Our aim is to reduce our internal operating cost and our customer can benefit long term of ''NO UP'' cost on our services.
Calibrated and hand carry back to our customer in medical sector industry.
Spectra Light Meter
Thanks for their trust and confidence in our calibration services.
#spectrallightmetercalibration #Calibrationlightmeter #calibration #calibrationlab #progaugeenterprise #gigahertzoptik
Calibrated and hand carry back to customer in Packaging industry.
1. Temperature with Sensor - Testo 925
2. Digital Timer
3. Thermohygro-meter
4. Standard Weight - 2kg
Once again Thanks for their trust giving to us in handling their equipment and confidence in our services.
#Testo925 #DigitalTimer #thermohygrometer #Standard2kgWeight #CalibrateWithCare #BalanceAndCalibrate
Calibrated Shackle loadcell and return back to our customer from Chemical Industry.
Crosby, Shackle loadcell, 12tons
Great of working with them on this equipment calibration. Their trust and confidence are much appreciated!
#loadcell #crosby #crosbyloadcell #loadcellcalibration #progaugeenterprise #calibrationlab #Calibrate #calibrationmalaysia #chemicalcalibration #industrialequipmentcalibration #loadcellcalibration #forcecalibration #liftingloadcellcalibration #hoistloadcellcalibration #craneloadcellcalibration
Calibrated this two equipment for our customer in furniture industry.
Digital Caliper - 0-150mm, SAMM Method
Dial Thickness Gauge, Mitutoyo 2046F - 0-10mm - SAMM Method
Both return back to customer, thanks again for their trust and support.
#calibrations #calipercalibration #calibrateyourcaliper #calibrateyourdialthicknessgauge #dialthicknessgauge #mitutoyodialthicknessgauge #mitutoyo2046F #2046F #SAMM #SAMMcalibration #dialthicknessgaugecalibration
Customer facing issue of difficulties of getting the battery out from the unit. Seeking us to help them of getting the battery out from the chamber.
Dakota Mini-Max is a Ultrasonic Bolt Tension Monitor.
Upon receiving the unit from the customer, we open up and found:
1. The battery at negative side stuck permanently.
2. Positive side found to have residue from the acid from the battery.
3. Remove the mainboard review the battery of 2 and 3 has being seal permanently
by the acidity over time.
4. There is damage of the battery at the positive section.
5. After we successfully taken out the battery from the chamber, we simulate using
our battery to ensure the chamber doesn't have any more stuck.
Great of work for this. Happy to work with customer for solving their struggles.
#restoration #equipmentrestoration #equipmentrescue #dakotaultrasonicbolttensionmonitor #dakotarestoration #restoretools #restoreindustrialmeasurement #dakotaminimax #minimaxrestored
Yearly calibration service for our regular customer in food industry.
1 Unit UV Monitor, Guardian - 30-8331
Great of working with them on this equipment and Thanks again for their trust and confidence.
#uvmeter #uvmetercalibration #guardianuvmeter #progaugeenterprise #calibration #calibrationlab
Re-Calibrated and hand carry back to our customer in medical industries.
1 unit of Digital Multimeter - Techgear, TG451DL
1 unit of UV Light Meter - Lutron, UVA-365
1 unit of Light Meter - Lutron, LX-102
Great to work with them in yearly calibration services.
Once again thanks for their trust and confidence in our services.
#uvmetercalibration #uvmeter #uvcalibration #metercalibration #uvmetermaintenance #calibrateuvmeter #lutronuvmeter #uva365 #lutronmeter #calibrationmatters #uvmeterreliability #progauge #progaugeenterprise #lightmeter #lutronlightmeter #lutronLX102 #digitalmultimeter #multimetercalibration #lightmetercalibration #lutronmetercalibration #techgearmultimeter #techgearmetercalibration #techgeartg415dl
Calibrated and delivered back to our customer in Oil and Gas Industry.
Brand: Scotload
Model: 25TW WLL
Range: 25tons
This is Crank Loadcell that use to measure the weight lifted up by the crank that do not exceed the load specification.
Great to work with them on re-calibration and checking the loadcell system.
#loadcell #scotloadloadcell #scotload #loadcellcalibration #progaugeenterprise #calibrationlab #Calibrate #calibrationmalaysia #oilandgascalibration
#oilandgasequipmentcalibration #industrialequipmentcalibration #loadcellcalibration
#forcecalibration #liftingloadcellcalibration #hoistloadcellcalibration
Calibrated for our customer from Oil and Gas Industry.
1. Total Stations, Nikon, NPL-322+ - 1 unit
2. AC Electromagnetic Yoke, Magnaflux, Y1 - 1 unit
3. Ultrasonic Thickness Tester, Kawatetsu Advantech, TI-40N - 1 unit
4. Surface Probe Thermometer, Elcometer, 212 - 3 units
Great to work with them on this equipment.
#nikontotalstations #totalstationscalibration #calibratedtotalstations #nikonnpl332 #calibrationacyoke #calibratedmagnafluxy1 #calibratedy1 #calibration #calibratedultrasonicticknesstester #calibratedkawatetsuadvantech #calibratedti40n #calibratedsurfaceprobethermometer #calibratedelcometer #elcometer212 #oilandgasindustryequipment
Supply with calibration service for this digital indicator to our customer in chemical production manufacturing.
This is the replacement of old model 543-781B.
Brand: Mitutoyo, Japan
Model: 543-781B-10
Range: 12.7mm x 0.01mm
Great to work with them on their input and producing output by supply high quality measurements equipment to them.
Work well for them and great of extend our service to them.
#progauge #progaugeenterprise #mitutoyo #mitutoyodigimatic #mitutoyodigimaticindicator #mitutoyo543781B10 #2decimalmmResolution #MetricDigitalIndicator #AccuracySupplies #QualitySupplies #ManufacturingSupplies #EngineeringSupplies #ToolingSupplies #machineshopsupplies #MachinistSupplies
Restored Digital Indicator for one of our customers from Chemical Manufacturer.
Brand: Mitutoyo
Model: 543-781B
Range: 12.7mm x 0.01mm
This unit with faulty of value jumping around whenever user move the spindle.
We cleaned the board and track sensor area but doesn't solve the issue. The only solution is to replace the mainboard.
This is our last mainboard for model 543-781B.
Mitutoyo has replace with new model - 543-781B-10.
Another satisfaction customer serves.
#restoration #equipmentrestoration #equipmentrescue #digitalindicator #digitalindicatorrestoration #restoretools #restoreindustrialmeasurement #mitutoyoequipmentrestoration #543781Brestored #mitutoyo543781B
Calibrated 3 equipment for our customer in Electronic manufacturing sectors.
2 units of Tenmars 3 Axis RF Meter
1 unit of UVC Meter
Great of working with them on re-calibrating their equipment.
#RFmetercalibration #RFcalibration #calibration #testandmeasurement #RFtesting #metrology #qualityassurance #powercalibrator #externalcalibration #calibrationtenmars #tenmarsequipment #tenmarstm195 #uvmetercalibration #uvmeter #uvcalibration #metercalibration #uvmetermaintenance #calibrateuvmeter #uvcmeter #uvc #uvcmetercalibration #calibration #calibrator #KKinstruments #uvcsty006 #progauge #progaugeenterprise #uvmeter #uvmetercalibration
Hand carries these two products for our regular customers ordering from us.
1. Mitutoyo Digimatic Indicator - 543-791-10
2. Contact Point 0.7D, 513 - 190653
Thanks for their trust and confidence in our services in supplying Mitutoyo quality product to them.
#contactpoints #mitutoyocontactpoint #mitutoyo190653 #progauge #progaugeenterprise #dialtestindicatorcontactpoints #dialtestindicator #mitutoyo #mitutoyodigimatic #mitutoyodigimaticindicator #mitutoyo54379110
Calibrated two Hydraulic flow sensors for one of our customers in oil and gas industry.
Brand: Stauff
Model: PPC-04/12-SFN-060
Range: Up to 60LPM
Model: PPC-04/12-SFM-600
Range: Up to 600LPM
Returning today back to them. Great of working with them on calibration services.
#calibratedflowsensor #hydraulicflowsensor #flowmetercalibration #hydrauliccalibration #precisionflowmeasurement #industrialflowmonitoring
#fluidpowersystems #engineeringtools #measurementinstrumentation #oilandgasflowmeter #stauff #stauffflowmeter #stauffflowsensor