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Ballun Distribution (M) Sdn Bhd
Ballun Distribution (M) Sdn Bhd 201501042054 (1167375-X)
Monday - Friday 9:00 AM - 6:00 PM
Saturday 9:00 AM - 1:00 PM
Sunday Closed
We′re closed on Public Holiday
Open Closed


At last, oats that people with celiac disease or gluten intolerance can enjoy, too! Our Gluten Free Oat Bran Cereal is made from oats grown with great care on some of the finest oat-growing fields in the world. Each farm delivery is sampled hundreds of times and tested with an R5 ELISA gluten test to ensure the absence of gluten. Advanced color-sorting removes undetected impurities. Finally, the oats are packaged in our 100% gluten free facility and tested for gluten again to ensure their purity. Bob's Red Mill Gluten Free Oat Bran Cereal is a deliciously smooth, high fiber cereal milled from high protein oats. It's milled to contain a high concentration of the natural fiber found in oats.

Oat bran is the outer layer of the oat grain. Oat bran is a good source of dietary fiber and iron. Studies have shown that dietary fiber, specifically the soluble fiber found in oats, can aid in the reduction of cholesterol.

Our Gluten Free Oat Bran makes a wonderful hot cereal or addition to baked goods. Oat bran is terrific in muffins, where it adds a very distinctive texture and rich, nutty flavor. Try adding some oat bran to bread dough to increase the fiber content, or sprinkle some on top of a finished loaf before baking for a nutty topping. Enterprising cooks around the country have told us they add it to pancakes, scones, and even cookies. See the back of our package for a truly delightful recipe for Apple-Walnut Oat Chews using our Gluten Free Oat Bran and Gluten Free Rolled Oats, as well as dates and grated apple. More of the traditional hot cereal type? That's just fine too, but it doesn't mean you need to stick with brown sugar and butter every morning.Find 20 fun and unique ways to top your oat bran.

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Main Office

Ballun Distribution (M) Sdn Bhd 201501042054 (1167375-X)
23, Jalan Seri Sarawak 20B/KS2, Taman Sri Andalas, 41200 Klang, Selangor, Malaysia.



Other Office

Ballun Resources (M) Sdn Bhd/Ballun Connections/Matahari Sdn Bhd
23, Jalan Seri Sarawak 20B/KS2, Taman Sri Andalas, 41200 Klang, Selangor, Malaysia.


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