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Kejuruteraan Vibropump Sdn Bhd
Kejuruteraan Vibropump Sdn Bhd 198101006765 (72879-M)
Monday - Saturday 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Sunday Closed
Open Closed
Onesync Platinum
Business Nature:

Manufacturer Supplier

Kejuruteraan Vibropump Sdn Bhd - Kejuruteraan Vibropump Sdn Bhd is a construction machinery supplier company. Our main office is located in Seri Kembangan, Selangor, Malaysia.

Kejuruteraan Vibropump Sdn Bhd

Kejuruteraan Vibropump Sdn Bhd

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Kejuruteraan Vibropump Sdn Bhd (VP) was established in year 1981 as a small-scaled construction machinery manufacturer. We have grown  through the years with continued improvements and expansion. Year 2000 marked the changes in company direction when we diversify into machinery rental and sales of used construction equipments.

Today, we have presence throughout Malaysia. Headquartered at Seri Kembangan, we have now expanded to northern region, with our branch office located at Perai, Pulau Pinang. We have one branch office at Johor Bahru to cater to southern region customers. We believe that the presence of branches enable us to be closer to our valued customers. We are constantly finding new market and always prepared to establish our presence in new area should need arises.

We provide comprehensive rental solutions to construction companies and also sub contractors. We have wide ranges of construction equipments  for rental.  Our Generators , Compressors, Welder generators, Rollers  are well serviced and maintained as we believe any down time at site will cause monetary loss and inconveniences to our valued customers.  For Cutters and Benders, Sludge pumps, Hydraulic pumps and Sand pumps, these are equipments manufactured by our sister company and product quality are always ensured. We also provide rental for smaller equipments such as  breakers, compactors, road cutters, trowels to name a few. We have dedicated foreman teams for periodic machines service at site and in the rare events of emergency equipments  break downs.

For those who prefer equipments ownership, we offer quality used construction equipments for your options. All equipments will have to pass our thorough inspection before they are put up for sale in the market. As a responsible seller, we entertain repairs of equipments bought from us.

In VP, we believe in maintaining quality personnels and in working out a long lasting business relationship with you for mutual business growth. Do visit us should you have any equipment needs, our dedicated staffs are always here ready to serve you.
Main Office

Kejuruteraan Vibropump Sdn Bhd 198101006765 (72879-M)
Lot PT 26369, Jalan Desa Serdang 5, Serdang Lama, 43300 Selangor Darul Ehsan, Malaysia.



Other Office

Penang Branch
12, Lorong Saga Jaya 6, Taman Perindustrian Saga Jaya, 13600 Perai, Penang, Malaysia.

Johor Bahru Branch
Lot 3976, Kawasan Perindustrian Tebrau 1, Mukim Tebrau Daerah Johor Bharu, 81100 Johor Bharu, Johor, Malaysia.

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