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TCL Machinery (M) Sdn Bhd
TCL Machinery (M) Sdn Bhd 934098-K
Monday - Friday 8:30 AM - 5:30 PM
Saturday - Sunday Closed
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+60167709142 WeChat QR
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Wechat ID: +60167709142

TCL Machinery (M) Sdn Bhd - TCL Machinery (M) Sdn Bhd offers various metal work machines, repairing and maintenance service that meet and exceed customer expectations in quality of work and delivery time.

TCL Machinery (M) Sdn Bhd

TCL Machinery (M) Sdn Bhd

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TCL Machinery (M) Sdn Bhd was founded on 2011 by Sole founder Mr Chai Chee Yean. Upon establish the company has been always focusing on Machinery Trading industries. As today the company currently provides all types of fabrication and manufacturing equipment.
We provide High Precision Machines which is embedded with variety of advanced features, reliable functions and others. Otherwise, this company focus on importing Japan, China, Italy & Taiwan brandsTCL Machinery got certificated ISO 9001 on April 2012 after one year operating in this business also got rewarded the SME Award and MMIA as one achievement in this business
Being a reliable exporter and supplier, we take it as our prime responsibility to import and develop superior grade of all type of machinery. All Machinery comes with warranty & guarantee to ensure fulfill all types of customer requirements.
All our machines that we offer is durable, efficient, and render consistent performance without requiring much maintenance work. We also have all types of machine ranging from turning, grinding, milling, drilling and threading to meet the requirement of the customer manufacturing needs. Our machinery is equipped with excellent accuracy and high production rate we believe will hugely improve customer productivity.
TCL has a team of skilled engineers to provide scheduled maintenance and service round the clock. We also provide training for our staff and customer to update ourselves with latest innovations and technologies in the market so the customer will be able to withstand future challenge. With our sincerity service and reliable attitudes we will give our customers full satisfactions.
We are one of the leading trader and importer on metal work machinery field in southern regions. Our company next milestone is to provide not sure with quality merchandise at competitive price also flexible sales and service network nationwide. 
Main Office

TCL Machinery (M) Sdn Bhd 934098-K
No.9, Jalan Tiong Emas 6, Kawasan Perindustrian Tiong Nam, 81100 Johor Bahru, Johor, Malaysia.



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