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XWay Sdn Bhd
XWay Sdn Bhd 200901034838 (877953-U)
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What does it mean by "TRBS"?
TRBS means Tamper Resistant Bait Station for rodent control programme (rats, mice, shrew etc.). Generally, there many ways to control rodent and one of them are using rodenticide. 3 type of rodenticide (acute, anticoagulant and fumigants) and those rodenticide are poison and highly dangerous. No one can predict what is an “inaccessible” location when it comes to children or pets. The rodenticide must be place in a safe covered 'thing' which cannot be reach by non target animals and especially the children. Yes, SAFETY. Safety is the most reason why we are using bait station. 

To protect people and nontarget species, we modified the bait station with several criterias. To protect the bait from moisture, dust, weather and easy-damaged, the bait station had been upgraded into "tamper resistant" design. The bait station meet the safety criteria by constructing the TRBS out of sturdy plastic, resistant to destruction or weakening by weather (high temperature). It's strong enough to prohibit entry or damaged by hoofed livestocks or wildlife such as raccoons and even childrens under 6 years of age using their hands, feet or objects. The entry point readily allow target animals access the bait but not for larger animals such as dogs, cats, birds, etc. The color of the bait station as we provided a safety/secured place for rodent to get the bait. 

Speciality TRBS XW TRBS X1
Physically info Material: Polypropylene
Dimension: 240mm L x  215mm W x 97mm H
Weight: 560gm
Color: Black
Packing: 30pcs/carton 
Material: Polypropylene
Dimension: 370mm L x 96mm W x 96mm H
Weight: 287gm
Color: Black
Packing: 38pcs/carton
Opposite wall direction cover. YES YES
Securable bait hanger. YES YES
Pallet bait container. YES YES
Liquid bait container. YES NO
Glue board available. YES NO
Glue tray available. YES YES
Wall bracket. YES YES
T-Rex trapper available. YES NO

Here again the keys why TRBS are useful:
  • Protect bait from moisture and dust
  • Provide a protected place for rodents to feed
  • "Tamper-resistant" from kids, non-target animals, bad weather, etc.
  • Help prevent the accidental spilling out the bait
  • Easy-to-use. Open to the side for fast, convenient servicing.
  • Economical and environmental friendly user.
TRBS placement?
Houses, office building, restaurant, factories, industry areas, farms and many more public area can be placed. But.....
Proper placement of bait stations is just as important as using the appropriate bait. Rats and mice will not visit bait stations, regardless of their contents, if they are not conveniently located in areas where rodents are active. 

The place must be between the rodent's food supply and their shelter. Position bait stations near rodent burrows, againts walls and along their travel routes. Look for signs of activity such as droppings, gnawing, tracks and rubmarks to help identify site to place TRBS. 

It's also most important to get knowing their behaviour. Rodents usually will not go out their way to find baits. House mice seldom venture more than 50 feet from their nests or food, so place bait stations not more than 12 feet apart in areas where they are active. Norway rats will travel up to 100 feet from their nests so the bait station can be placed 15 to 50 feet apart. Rats are often suspicious of new or unfamiliar objects. Do not be suprised if it takes up to two weeks for rats to enter and feed placed bait stations. 

Permenant bait station can be placed inside buildings and along the outside walls of buildings that are not rodent-proof. Avoid placing stations away from structures, such as along fencelines or the perimeter of the property. Perimeter placements may endanger nontarget species, while not substantially increasing target species control. 

Besides our TRBS XW & TRBS X1, we also have TRBS from Bell's Laboratories. Inc from USA. Click the link to get through the products

News : http://www.xway.com.my/index.php?ws=latestnews&nid=46858
Rodent Control products: http://www.xway.com.my/index.php?ws=ourproducts&cat=Rodent%20Control#openproducts


XWay Sdn Bhd 200901034838 (877953-U)
No. 31, Jalan 9/118B, Desa Tun Razak, 56000 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.


网址: https://www.xway.com.my
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网址: https://xway.n.my/

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