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Iconic Training Solutions Sdn Bhd
Iconic Training Solutions Sdn Bhd 201701003651 (1217801-A)
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Problem Solving And Decision Making Using Design Thinking Process

Course Duration: 2 Days


Competition is getting more and more intense in today's economy. It is important for companies to compete well. One of the keys to this is the ability to solve problems at work. This includes having the right skills to make good decisions as well as get buy in and support from colleagues, bosses and management as part of the problem solving process.

There are specific skills that can be applied towards this purpose. There are also attitudes that are helpful for example being pro-active in solving problems.

This includes having the right mindset in the first place, having the skills to evaluate all aspects of a problem situation, being able to evaluate the impact on stakeholders, having the skills to generate options and solutions and finally being able to make a convincing case to team members and management to get buy in for their solutions and ideas.

Course Objectives

Upon completion of this program, participants will be able to:

  • Appreciate the application of business problem solving skills to benefit them at work
  • Appreciate the useful attittudes needed to be successful in solving problems
  • Be aware of common thinking traps and causes that often cloud judgements and be a barrier to effective problem solving
  • Learn to clarify the objectives and identify root causes of problems
  • Appreciate biology of their stress and emotions so they can manage these
  • Be able to objectively analyze a situation from multiple angles
  • Be able to conduct a simple stakeholder analysis
  • Know how to use SWOT analysis and SMART principle to help prioritize decisions

Key Content

Module 1: An Overview of the Program

  • Introdution to business problem solving
  • Whose problem to solve? Which problem are you allowed to solve? Why bother?

Module 2: The Problem Solving Mindset & Attitude

  • The proactive mindset and attitude for problem solving at work
  • Barriers that can block you - recognize the common thinking traps
  • The circle of influence and control

Module 3: Emotions, Stress and Problem Solving

  • How emotions affect thinking
  • The biology of emotions
  • Bio-feedback machine demo
  • How to manage your emaotions using practical EQ techniques

Module 4: Analysing the Problem from All Angles

  • Identifying the problem solving objectives
  • Identifying the root cause of the problem with Fishbone Diagram and 5 Whys
  • The benefits of being able to appreciate multiple perspectives
  • What is 6 thinking hats and why use it?
  • How to use the 6 thinking hats for analyzing problems

Module 5: Analysing the Stakeholders Involved

  • How stakeholders affect your situation
  • How to do simple stakeholder analysis
  • Strategies for engaging and influencing stakeholders to get buy in and support 
  • Analyze all angles and stakeholders
  • Brainstorm solutions

Module 6: Idea Generation Techniques - Correct Brainstorming

  • The correct way to brainstorm
  • Practical ways to use brainstorming at work

Module 7: Design Thinking Process

  • Design thinking principles
  • How to apply problem solving skills using the Design Thinking process
  • Applying design thinking for problem solving

Module 8: Decision Making with SWOT Analysis

  • Take ACTION! What to do with the results of your problem solving process
  • Applying the SWOT analysis for decision making

Module 9: Prioritizing Your Solutions

  • The need to prioritize your solutions
  • The SMART Principles and the Priority Matrix for prioritizing your solutions

Module 10: Getting Management Buy In to Your Solutions

  • What do Management often consider
  • How to talk the language of Management

Module 11: Review and My Action Plan

  • Review of lessons
  • My action plan
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Iconic Training Solutions Sdn Bhd 201701003651 (1217801-A)
Suite 2.01 (A), Level 2, Block B, Dataran Hamodal, No. 4, Jalan Bersatu 13/4, Section 13, 46200 Petaling Jaya, Selangor, Malaysia.


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